A few members of the CRU team had the privilege of visiting the new Clinical Research Unit on the 4th floor of the new hospital a few weeks ago. Whilst it is not fitted out as yet, we managed to see the Critical Care Facility which demonstrated what a complete room was starting to look like. The new CRU will have 26 beds (double the size of our current CRU) and will have extended laboratory facilities, recreation facilities for our patients and just feels really spacious!
Louise Markinson commented that ‘Our new facilities are going to be a fabulous place for our patients to take part in clinical trials and our staff will really appreciate the expanded facilties as we are starting to feel a little cramped with all the work that the CRU is now undertaking. This is a really exciting time for us and we can’t wait to get moving’.
The new CRU is due to be commissioned late 2017 and plans are already in place for ensuring the move has minimal impact on clinical trials which may be running at the time.